What is the Metal Account



Precious metals in physical form have offered reliable protection against inflation, depreciation, financial and currency crises for centuries.

If you want to build up a physical reserve of precious metals, the question of storage inevitably arises.

To protect your precious metals from theft, fire and loss, we recommend the precious metal account with Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.

In addition to the high values, weight and volume (especially of silver) play a decisive role in the storage of your precious metals. From a certain size onwards, the safekeeping of these assets should be delegated to a specialist like the Rheingold Edelmetall AG.

Hand over your investments to our experts and store your precious metals in the secure and bank-independent precious metal accoiunt at Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.


The most important advantages at a glance:

Buy and sell conveniently

  • Trading in physical precious metals can involve a great deal of administrative effort. With precious metal accounts, you can save most of this effort, as the metals are not physically stored in a bank. Instead, transactions will be made similar to a cash account. When you buy, your balance on the precious metal account increases; when you sell, it decreases.
  • You buy or sell conveniently online, by e-mail or by phone at current prices.
  • You are location-independent, mobile, able to act at any time and thus enjoy a maximum of flexibility.

Highest Security

  • Your precious metal account balance is physically deposited and stored professionally and independently of banks in one of the safest places in the world: in the ultra-modern, certified and insured high-security safe facilities of Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.
  • A specially designed security system, designed and implemented by Swiss experts, guarantees the highest security standards, according to strictly defined processes.
  • No theft, fire, loss, transport, security or authenticity risks thanks to the safe custody of your precious metals balance on the precious metal account of Rheingold Edelmetall AG.
  • Access to the vault only in accordance with the four-eyes principle.

Advantages compared to direct investments in smaller precious metal bars or coins

  • No bar surcharge and no minting costs, unless you decide to have it delivered.
  • No delivery costs, unless you choose to deliver.
  • VAT is not applicable unless you decide to deliver.

Significant price advantages

  • Whether a one-off investment or a savings plan, you benefit from significant purchasing advantages and better prices, because the precious metal account balances are deposited in large standard bars, therefore the bar surcharge costs are very low.
  • Bar surcharges and minting costs for smaller products are only incurred if you decide to deliver. The premium for gold coins, i.e. the difference between the market price and the coin price, can be several percent depending on the dealer, the market situation and the availability.
  • No shipping costs, unless you decide to deliver.
  • No VAT, unless you decide to deliver.
  • With relatively small precious metal balances, the account fees can be lower than the fees for a safe deposit box (to store the physical metals) or the transport costs (to ship the physical metals).

Tighter spreads than with small bars or coins

  • When trading small bars or coins, banks and other precious metal dealers usually ask for a large spread between the bid and ask prices. This margin is much smaller with the precious metal account of Rheingold Edelmetall AG and the transaction costs for customers are lower.

VAT-free purchase

  • You can buy all white metals VAT-free in our bonded warehouse, which means you can achieve significant, completely legal cost savings.
  • As long as the white metals remain in this transit warehouse, neither customs nor sales tax are due. Only when you initiate physical delivery of the goods from the bonded warehouse, customs duties and the then applicable sales tax will apply. The then applicable sales tax is calculated on the current value of the precious metals at that point of time.


  • When purchasing physical precious metals, you must make advance payment. When selling physical precious metals, you will only receive your money once the bar has been certified.
  • In the case of precious metal accounts, there is no delay in buying or selling. Customers can sell their precious metal account balance to Rheingold Edelmetall AG at the current rate at any time and enjoy extremely high tradability and secure processing of precious metal transactions.
  • With the precious metal account, you can conduct your precious metal transactions with ease and as simply as you deposit and withdraw money from your account.

Your Property

  • The stored precious metals are 100% your property.
  • No liability or bankruptcy risk.
  • Only you, or people authorized by you, can access your stored precious metals.

Comprehensive insurance

  • Your precious metals are 100% insured at all time

Always available

  • The precious metal account balance can be converted into physical precious metals at any time by arrangement for a fee and then picked up or dispatched.

Total transparency

  • You can see your current precious metal account balance at any time via the online shop and find out about the current value of your precious metals.
  • Each transaction is confirmed and at the end of the month, of the year or whenever if you wish, you will receive a key date-related evaluation together with your precious metal account statement as well as an annual precious metal account deposit fee statement.

Different currencies

  • You can place your orders in EUR, CHF or USD.


A precious metal account is an established and popular investment solution in which precious metals, such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium, are acquired and stored in the high-security vaults of Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.

With the precious metal account, Rheingold Edelmetall AG offers an established service that optimally combines physical and virtual investments. This service is an addition to the classic trading of precious metals by mail order or "over the counter" (OTC).

The precious metal account works like a securities account, but instead of securities, precious metals are deposited. Rheingold Edelmetall AG has transferred this proven principle over to commercially available precious metals, like coins and precious metal bars. This means that you can carry out your precious metal transactions as easily as you deposit and withdraw money from your account.

Rheingold Edelmetall AG offers the popular collective custody of gold, silver, platinum and palladium products in their precious metal account. This collective custody is very simple and offers customers the greatest possible security and flexibility. When a customer buys precious metal via the precious metal account, the corresponding weight is transferred in physical form and stored in the high-security safe facility of Rheingold Edelmetall AG. In contrast to many other services for gold investors, the goods are actually physically available at all times.

The precious metal depository is equally suitable for private customers, banks, financial advisors and precious metal dealers.

The metal account is interesting for investors who often buy or sell precious metals and want to trade and store their precious metals for accounting purposes.

Yes, your precious metals are 100% insured at all times. Your precious metal account balance is physically deposited and stored professionally and independently of banks in one of the safest places in the world: in the ultra-modern, certified and insured high-security safe facilities of Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.

So you never have to worry about breaking into your home.

A specially designed security system, designed and implemented by Swiss experts, guarantees the highest security standards according to strictly defined processes.

No theft, fire, loss, transport, security or authenticity risks due to the safe custody of your precious metal credit on the precious metal account of Rheingold Edelmetall AG.

Access to the vault is only possible using the four-eyes principle.

From a legal point of view, it is - as with investment funds - so-called special asset, that are always assigned to the property of the precious metal depository holder.

The balance in your precious metal account is and remains always 100% your property.

Regardless of our opening times or where you are, you have access at any time and can buy or sell precious metals and enoy maximum flexibility.

With the Rheingold Edelmetall AG precious metal depository, you are always as mobile as possible, because the cash-flow for buying or selling takes place directly via the bank account you have stored.

This means, that you can react quickly to changing market conditions and price fluctuations at any time and buy or sell, regardless of time and place.

We can also send your precious metals to you at any time, or hand them over to you by appointment during the Rheingold Edelmetall AG opening hours.

Yes! You can convert your precious metal balance on your precious metal account into physical bars or coins at any time. Since the premium and the availability of bars and coins depend on the market situation, the premium can fluctuate accordingly.

In the case of physical purchase, you can either transfer the premium (EUR, USD, CHF) or pay the premium with the precious metal account.

Yes, your precious metal account balance on your precious metal depository is physically deposited and stored professionally and independently of banks in one of the safest places in the world: in the state-of-the-art, ultra-modern, certified and high-security safe facilities of Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.

  • The gold account is deposited with 1000 g gold bars (LBMA certified) with a fineness of 0.9999
  • The silver account is deposited with standard silver bars (LBMA certified) with a fineness of at least 0.999
  • The platinum account is deposited with 1000 g platinum bars (LBMA certified) with a fineness of at least 0.995
  • The palladium account is deposited with 1000 g palladium bars (LBMA certified) with a fineness of at least 0.995

You can convert your precious metal balance on your precious metal account into physical bars or coins at any time. The conversion into 1000 g gold, platinum or palladium bars or standard silver bars is always possible. The conversion of coins and smaller bars depends on availability and the market situation.

We manage your precious metal account in grams and ounces. Enclosed you will find a table with the minimum order sizes for each metal:

You can buy and sell all white metals (silver, platinum and palladium) legally duty-free and VAT-free, as long as the bars stay in the bonded warehouse. This way you realize significant cost savings.

The possibility of transferring the goods from the precious metal account to the duty-free warehouse of Rheingold Edelmetall AG is a service that is not found in comparable precious metal accounts.

As long as the white metals remain in this transit warehouse, neither customs nor sales tax are due. Only when you initiate physical delivery of the goods from the bonded warehouse, customs duties and the then applicable sales tax will apply. The then applicable sales tax is calculated on the current value of the precious metals at that point of time.

As with securities accounts, the principle of collective safe custody is also applied to precious metals accounts. That means: the precious metals of all precious metal depository customers are - depending on the class and separately from the holdings of Rheingold Edelmetall AG - stored in collected form.

We also offer individual safekeeping in the bonded warehouse at our partner company OZL (Open Customs Warehouse in Liechtenstein AG). Click here for the OZL www.ozl.li

The precious metal account credit can be converted into physical precious metal in different shapes and sizes (bars or coins) at any time by arrangement and then picked up or sent.

You can convert your precious metal balance on your precious metal account into physical bars or coins at any time.

Conversion into large bars:


1000 g and standard bars


1000oz Silver standard bars


Kilos and 50 oz bars


Kilos and 50 oz bars

The premium paid for the right metals are:

  • Gold from 1.5%
  • Silber from 3%
  • Platinum from 4%
  • Platinum from 4%
  • Palladium from 4%

In the case of coins and smaller bars, the conversion depends on the availability and the market situation, and the then applicable bar surcharges or minting costs apply, which vary depending on the market situation.

If you pick up the goods from us, there are no transport costs.

When we send your goods, you do not have to appear in person.

Trading in physical precious metal can involve a great deal of administrative effort. With precious metal accounts, you can save most of this effort, as the metals are not physically stored in a bank. Instead, transactions are made similar to a cash account : when you buy, your balance on the precious metal account increases, when you sell, it decreases. Therefore trading precious metals via the precious metal account is very simple.

After the customer has concluded a contract for the precious metal depository with Rheingold Edelmetall AG, the "precious metal account" is activated as a delivery option in the web shop.

Regardless of our opening times or where you are, you can buy or sell precious metals and, when ordering, have your goods sent to the precious metal depository. In this case, you do not have to bear any transport costs or appear in person at our location.

We transfer your precious metals and invoice purchases, or credit the proceeds of a sale to your bank account.

Precious metal account customers have the following options during the ordering process in the area of ​​delivery options in order to store the ordered products in the precious metal account:

Precious metal depository customers have the following options during the ordering process in the area of ​​delivery options in the online web shop in order to store the ordered products in the precious metal depository:

"Storage in the precious metal depository (collective custody) - duty / VAT-free“

  • This delivery option applies to:
    • Silver, if you want to purchase it VAT-free.
    • all products from the precious metal account (gold and silver account).

„Storage in the precious metal depository (collective safekeeping)“

  • This delivery option applies to:
    • Gold or gold and silver, if the silver purchase is to be made including VAT.
    • Collective custody is not available for the precious metal account.

If you want to purchase and store silver, platinum or palladium VAT-free (duty-free), please note the following:

  • Silver, platinum and palladium must be ordered separately from gold.
    • One order for gold products and another order for products, which includes silver, platinum and palladium.
  • Goods with gold and VAT can only be purchased in one single order, if you want to purchase silver, platinum and palladium including VAT.
  • The VAT-free purchase of silver only makes sense if physical delivery is not an option for you.
  • Standard silver bars are not permitted for storage in the precious metal depository. We offer the storage of standard silver bars in individual custody at our partner company OZL (Offenes Zolllager in Liechtenstein AG). Click here for more information about the OZL ozl.li
  • Precious metals depository orders must be placed seperately from precious metal account orders.
  • Follow-up purchases are automatically added to your precious metal depository if you wish so.

Selling on your part is just as easy. All you have to do here is click the “Sell” button instead of “Buy” and select “Sale from your customer account” from the delivery options.

With the precious metal account, the effort and costs of installing a safe in your own home are eliminated, because you store your valuables in the high-security safe of Rheingold Edelmetall AG.

You can find our attractive precious metal account fees and all associated costs here:

Price list

The precious metal depository contract is unlimited, without a minimum term and can be terminated at any time.

In order to open a precious metal depository, you do not have to appear in person at our office.

Our explanatory video shows you how quickly and easily this can be done

onboarding options and other documents

You would like to authorize an ADDITIONAL PERSON for your precious metal depot

  1. click here for onboarding as authorized person
  2. fill in the addendum precious metal depot power of attorney
  3. Send the signed original document by email to info@rheingoldag.com and return the original twice by post to us

You would like to open a JOINT DEPOSIT

  1. You have already successfully opened a precious metal depot
  2. click here for onboarding as 2nd Depositor
  3. fill in the additional document Precious Metal Deposit Agreement as a Joint Deposit
  4. Send the signed original document by email to info@rheingoldag.com and return the original twice by post to us


  1. Price list for precious metal deposit fees
  2. Precious metal deposit contract
  3. GTC
  4. Additional document: Precious Metals Deposit - Power of Attorney for Information Purposes

If you need further information, please send an email to info@rheingoldag.com


Precious metals in physical form have offered reliable protection against inflation, depreciation, financial and currency crises for centuries.

If you want to build up a physical reserve of precious metals, the question of storage inevitably arises.

To protect your precious metals from theft, fire and loss, we recommend the precious metal account with Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.

In addition to the high values, weight and volume (especially of silver) play a decisive role in the storage of your precious metals. From a certain size onwards, the safekeeping of these assets should be delegated to a specialist like the Rheingold Edelmetall AG.

Hand over your investments to our experts and store your precious metals in the secure and bank-independent precious metal accoiunt at Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.



The most important advantages at a glance:

Buy and sell conveniently

  • Trading in physical precious metals can involve a great deal of administrative effort. With precious metal accounts, you can save most of this effort, as the metals are not physically stored in a bank. Instead, transactions will be made similar to a cash account. When you buy, your balance on the precious metal account increases; when you sell, it decreases.
  • You buy or sell conveniently online, by e-mail or by phone at current prices.
  • You are location-independent, mobile, able to act at any time and thus enjoy a maximum of flexibility. 

Highest Security

  • Your precious metal account balance is physically deposited and stored professionally and independently of banks in one of the safest places in the world: in the ultra-modern, certified and insured high-security safe facilities of Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.
  • A specially designed security system, designed and implemented by Swiss experts, guarantees the highest security standards, according to strictly defined processes.
  • No theft, fire, loss, transport, security or authenticity risks thanks to the safe custody of your precious metals balance on the precious metal account of Rheingold Edelmetall AG.
  • Access to the vault only in accordance with the four-eyes principle.

Advantages compared to direct investments in smaller precious metal bars or coins

  • No bar surcharge and no minting costs, unless you decide to have it delivered.
  • No delivery costs, unless you choose to deliver.
  • VAT is not applicable unless you decide to deliver.

Significant price advantages

  • Whether a one-off investment or a savings plan, you benefit from significant purchasing advantages and better prices, because the precious metal account balances are deposited in large standard bars, therefore the bar surcharge costs are very low.
  • Bar surcharges and minting costs for smaller products are only incurred if you decide to deliver. The premium for gold coins, i.e. the difference between the market price and the coin price, can be several percent depending on the dealer, the market situation and the availability.
  • No shipping costs, unless you decide to deliver.
  • No VAT, unless you decide to deliver.
  • With relatively small precious metal balances, the account fees can be lower than the fees for a safe deposit box (to store the physical metals) or the transport costs (to ship the physical metals).

Tighter spreads than with small bars or coins

  • When trading small bars or coins, banks and other precious metal dealers usually ask for a large spread between the bid and ask prices. This margin is much smaller with the precious metal account of Rheingold Edelmetall AG and the transaction costs for customers are lower.

VAT-free purchase

  • You can buy all white metals VAT-free in our bonded warehouse, which means you can achieve significant, completely legal cost savings.
  • As long as the white metals remain in this transit warehouse, neither customs nor sales tax are due. Only when you initiate physical delivery of the goods from the bonded warehouse, customs duties and the then applicable sales tax will apply. The then applicable sales tax is calculated on the current value of the precious metals at that point of time.


  • When purchasing physical precious metals, you must make advance payment. When selling physical precious metals, you will only receive your money once the bar has been certified.
  • In the case of precious metal accounts, there is no delay in buying or selling. Customers can sell their precious metal account balance to Rheingold Edelmetall AG at the current rate at any time and enjoy extremely high tradability and secure processing of precious metal transactions.
  • With the precious metal account, you can conduct your precious metal transactions with ease and as simply as you deposit and withdraw money from your account.

Your Property

  • The stored precious metals are 100% your property.
  • No liability or bankruptcy risk.
  • Only you, or people authorized by you, can access your stored precious metals.

Comprehensive insurance

  • Your precious metals are 100% insured at all time

Always available

  • The precious metal account balance can be converted into physical precious metals at any time by arrangement for a fee and then picked up or dispatched.

Total transparency

  • You can see your current precious metal account balance at any time via the online shop and find out about the current value of your precious metals.
  • Each transaction is confirmed and at the end of the month, of the year or whenever if you wish, you will receive a key date-related evaluation together with your precious metal account statement as well as an annual precious metal account deposit fee statement. 

Different currencies

  • You can place your orders in EUR, CHF or USD.

What is a precious metal account

A precious metal account is an established and popular investment solution in which precious metals, such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium, are acquired and stored in the high-security vaults of Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.

With the precious metal account, Rheingold Edelmetall AG offers an established service that optimally combines physical and virtual investments.  This service is an addition to the classic trading of precious metals by mail order or "over the counter" (OTC).

The precious metal account works like a securities account, but instead of securities, precious metals are deposited. Rheingold Edelmetall AG has transferred this proven principle over to commercially available precious metals, like coins and precious metal bars. This means that you can carry out your precious metal transactions as easily as you deposit and withdraw money from your account.

Rheingold Edelmetall AG offers the popular collective custody of gold, silver, platinum and palladium products in their precious metal account. This collective custody is very simple and offers customers the greatest possible security and flexibility. When a customer buys precious metal via the precious metal account, the corresponding weight is transferred in physical form and stored in the high-security safe facility of Rheingold Edelmetall AG. In contrast to many other services for gold investors, the goods are actually physically available at all times.

Who is the precious Metal account for

The precious metal depository is equally suitable for private customers, banks, financial advisors and precious metal dealers.

The metal account is interesting for investors who often buy or sell precious metals and want to trade and store their precious metals for accounting purposes.

Are my precious metals insured in the precious metal account

Yes, your precious metals are 100% insured at all times. Your precious metal account balance is physically deposited and stored professionally and independently of banks in one of the safest places in the world: in the ultra-modern, certified and insured high-security safe facilities of Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.

So you never have to worry about breaking into your home.

A specially designed security system, designed and implemented by Swiss experts, guarantees the highest security standards according to strictly defined processes.

No theft, fire, loss, transport, security or authenticity risks due to the safe custody of your precious metal credit on the precious metal account of Rheingold Edelmetall AG.

Access to the vault is only possible using the four-eyes principle.

From a legal point of view, it is - as with investment funds - so-called special asset, that are always assigned to the property of the precious metal depository holder.

The balance in your precious metal account is and remains always 100% your property.

How flexible is the precious metal account

Regardless of our opening times or where you are, you have access at any time and can buy or sell precious metals and enoy maximum flexibility.

With the Rheingold Edelmetall AG precious metal depository, you are always as mobile as possible, because the cash-flow for buying or selling takes place directly via the bank account you have stored.

This means, that you can react quickly to changing market conditions and price fluctuations at any time and buy or sell, regardless of time and place.

We can also send your precious metals to you at any time, or hand them over to you by appointment during the Rheingold Edelmetall AG opening hours.

Can I convert the precious metal account into physical precious metal 

Yes! You can convert your precious metal balance on your precious metal account into physical bars or coins at any time. Since the premium and the availability of bars and coins depend on the market situation, the premium can fluctuate accordingly.

In the case of physical purchase, you can either transfer the premium (EUR, USD, CHF) or pay the premium with the precious metal account.

Is the precious metals account physically deposited

Yes, your precious metal account balance on your precious metal depository is physically deposited and stored professionally and independently of banks in one of the safest places in the world: in the state-of-the-art, ultra-modern, certified and high-security safe facilities of Rheingold Edelmetall AG in Liechtenstein.

  • The gold account is deposited with 1000 g gold bars (LBMA certified) with a fineness of 0.9999
  • The silver account is deposited with standard silver bars (LBMA certified) with a fineness of at least 0.999
  • The platinum account is deposited with 1000 g platinum bars (LBMA certified) with a fineness of at least 0.995
  • The palladium account is deposited with 1000 g palladium bars (LBMA certified) with a fineness of at least 0.995

You can convert your precious metal balance on your precious metal account into physical bars or coins at any time. The conversion into 1000 g gold, platinum or palladium bars or standard silver bars is always possible. The conversion of coins and smaller bars depends on availability and the market situation.

Is there a minimum deposit in the precious metal depository

We manage your precious metal account in grams and ounces. Enclosed you will find a table with the minimum order sizes for each metal:

Mindestbestellgrösse EN

Is VAT-Free Purchase possible in the customs-free warehouse

You can buy and sell all white metals (silver, platinum and palladium) legally duty-free and VAT-free, as long as the bars stay in the bonded warehouse. This way you realize significant cost savings.

The possibility of transferring the goods from the precious metal account to the duty-free warehouse of Rheingold Edelmetall AG is a service that is not found in comparable precious metal accounts.

As long as the white metals remain in this transit warehouse, neither customs nor sales tax are due. Only when you initiate physical delivery of the goods from the bonded warehouse, customs duties and the then applicable sales tax will apply. The then applicable sales tax is calculated on the current value of the precious metals at that point of time. 

Individual or collective storage

As with securities accounts, the principle of collective safe custody is also applied to precious metals accounts. That means: the precious metals of all precious metal depository customers are - depending on the class and separately from the holdings of Rheingold Edelmetall AG - stored in collected form. 

We also offer individual safekeeping in the bonded warehouse at our partner company OZL (Open Customs Warehouse in Liechtenstein AG). Click here for the OZL www.ozl.li/

Available at any time

The precious metal account credit can be converted into physical precious metal in different shapes and sizes (bars or coins) at any time by arrangement and then picked up or sent.

You can convert your precious metal balance on your precious metal account into physical bars or coins at any time.

Conversion into large bars: 

Gold:            1000 g and standard bars

Silver:          1000oz Silver standard bars

Platinum:     Kilos and 50 oz bars

Palladium:   Kilos and 50 oz bars

The premium paid for the right metals are:

  • Gold from 1.5%
  • Silber from 3%
  • Platinum from 4%
  • Palladium from 4%

In the case of coins and smaller bars, the conversion depends on the availability and the market situation, and the then applicable bar surcharges or minting costs apply, which vary depending on the market situation.

If you pick up the goods from us, there are no transport costs.

When we send your goods, you do not have to appear in person.

How can i buy and sell precious metals in the precious metal account

Trading in physical precious metal can involve a great deal of administrative effort. With precious metal accounts, you can save most of this effort, as the metals are not physically stored in a bank. Instead, transactions are made similar to a cash account : when you buy, your balance on the precious metal account increases, when you sell, it decreases. Therefore trading precious metals via the precious metal account is very simple.

After the customer has concluded a contract for the precious metal depository with Rheingold Edelmetall AG, the "precious metal account" is activated as a delivery option in the web shop.

Regardless of our opening times or where you are, you can buy or sell precious metals and, when ordering, have your goods sent to the precious metal depository. In this case, you do not have to bear any transport costs or appear in person at our location.

We transfer your precious metals and invoice purchases, or credit the proceeds of a sale to your bank account.

Precious metal account customers have the following options during the ordering process in the area of ​​delivery options in order to store the ordered products in the precious metal account:

Precious metal depository customers have the following options during the ordering process in the area of ​​delivery options in the online web shop in order to store the ordered products in the precious metal depository:

"Storage in the precious metal depository (collective custody) - duty / VAT-free“

  • This delivery option applies to:
    • Silver, if you want to purchase it VAT-free.
    • all products from the precious metal account (gold and silver account).


„Storage in the precious metal depository (collective safekeeping)“

  • This delivery option applies to:
    • Gold or gold and silver, if the silver purchase is to be made including VAT.
    • Collective custody is not available for the precious metal account.


If you want to purchase and store silver, platinum or palladium VAT-free (duty-free), please note the following:

  • Silver, platinum and palladium must be ordered separately from gold.
    • One order for gold products and another order for products, which includes silver, platinum and palladium.
  • Goods with gold and VAT can only be purchased in one single order, if you want to purchase silver, platinum and palladium including VAT.
  • The VAT-free purchase of silver only makes sense if physical delivery is not an option for you.
  • Standard silver bars are not permitted for storage in the precious metal depository. We offer the storage of standard silver bars in individual custody at our partner company OZL (Offenes Zolllager in Liechtenstein AG). Click here for more information about the OZL ozl.li
  • Precious metals depository orders must be placed seperately from precious metal account orders.
  • Follow-up purchases are automatically added to your precious metal depository if you wish so.


Selling on your part is just as easy. All you have to do here is click the “Sell” button instead of “Buy” and select “Sale from your customer account” from the delivery options.

Precious metal account fees and ongoing costs

With the precious metal account, the effort and costs of installing a safe in your own home are eliminated, because you store your valuables in the high-security safe of Rheingold Edelmetall AG.

You can find our attractive precious metal account fees and all associated costs here:

Price list

Term and termination of the precious metal account

The precious metal depository contract is unlimited, without a minimum term and can be terminated at any time.

How to open a precious metal account 

In order to open a precious metal depository, you do not have to appear in person at our office.

Our explanatory video shows you how quickly and easily this can be done



Open a precious metal depot

click here to open the precious metal depot



onboarding options and other documents


You would like to authorize an ADDITIONAL PERSON for your precious metal depot

  1. click here for onboarding as authorized person
  2. fill in the addendum precious metal depot power of attorney
  3. Send the signed original document by email to info@rheingoldag.com and return the original twice by post to us


You would like to open a JOINT DEPOSIT

  1. You have already successfully opened a precious metal depot
  2. click here for onboarding as 2nd Depositor
  3. fill in the additional document Precious Metal Deposit Agreement as a Joint Deposit
  4. Send the signed original document by email to info@rheingoldag.com and return the original twice by post to us






If you need further information, please send an email to info@rheingoldag.com

Get in touch with us
Loreum Ipsum Loreum Ipsum Loreum Ipsum Loreum Ipsum
  • Au 2'370.24 2'370.54
      Bid Ask
    eur 2'528.65 2'528.80
    chf 2'370.24 2'370.54
    usd 2'738.04 2'738.16
  • Ag 29.77 29.78
      Bid Ask
    eur 31.76 31.77
    chf 29.77 29.78
    usd 34.39 34.40
  • Pd 930.42 933.10
      Bid Ask
    eur 992.60 995.38
    chf 930.42 933.10
    usd 1'074.80 1'077.80
  • Pt 883.46 883.70
      Bid Ask
    eur 942.50 942.70
    chf 883.46 883.70
    usd 1'020.55 1'020.75